The Foundation concluded operations on December 31, 2020. Learn more.

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Post Tagged with: "Infrastructure"

Water, Environment

Filling the Biggest Data Gap in Water Management

Filling the Biggest Data Gap in Water Management

A Foundation-supported partnership including NASA, Google, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Desert Research Institute announces a web application to transform water management in the American West.

Land, Environment

Charting the Course for 21st Century California State Parks

Charting the Course for 21st Century California State Parks

The state park system is being transformed to help improve access and uses today, while preserving its resources for generations to come.

Water, Environment

Aspen Institute Report Calls for "Internet of Water"

Aspen Institute Report Calls for “Internet of Water”

A new report from the Aspen Institute and its partners provides the blueprint for connecting data and advancing water sustainability.

Foundation, President's Updates

President's Update, Winter 2014

President’s Update, Winter 2014

Lauren B. Dachs writes about the Foundation and its work.


Conserving California's Parks

Conserving California’s Parks

California’s 280 state parks provide irreplaceable environmental, economic, and social benefits. Protecting these benefits over the long term is vital.