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Post Tagged with: "Water"

Water, Environment

Tools to advance water trading in a new era of sustainable groundwater management

Tools to advance water trading in a new era of sustainable groundwater management

Environmental Defense Fund partnered with water managers and landowners in the Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District to create the first open-source water accounting and trading platform in California’s Central Valley.

Water, Environment

Filling the Biggest Data Gap in Water Management

Filling the Biggest Data Gap in Water Management

A Foundation-supported partnership including NASA, Google, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the Desert Research Institute announces a web application to transform water management in the American West.

Water, Environment

Community Foundations are Working for Water Sustainability

Community Foundations are Working for Water Sustainability

Marselle Alexander-Ozinskas and Joya Banerjee co-author a blog post describing the Community Foundation Water Initiative.

Water, Environment

New Hope for the Salton Sea

New Hope for the Salton Sea

Allison Harvey Turner co-authors an op-ed highlighting promising steps toward restoring and sustaining California’s largest inland lake.

Water, Environment

Aspen Institute Report Calls for "Internet of Water"

Aspen Institute Report Calls for “Internet of Water”

A new report from the Aspen Institute and its partners provides the blueprint for connecting data and advancing water sustainability.

Water, Environment

Water Management: Working Across Boundaries

Water Management: Working Across Boundaries

The newly independent Water Foundation is positioned to help transform the ways water is used in the American West.


Toward Water Sustainability: A Blueprint for Philanthropy

Toward Water Sustainability: A Blueprint for Philanthropy

New release from the Water Funder Initiative offers a roadmap for expanded collaborative action.